T.J. Miller says he wasn't asked to return for 'Deadpool 3'

Trending 2 years ago
T.J. MIller and Ryan Reynolds.

CNN  — 

T.J. Miller’s clip successful the “Deadpool” franchise has travel to an end.

Miller, who appeared in “Deadpool” alongside Reynolds arsenic his person Weasel, said connected the “Adam Corolla Show” podcast that helium doesn’t envision moving connected different task with the actor.

“Would I enactment with him again? No, I would not enactment with him again,” Miller said.

Corolla asked Miller if the 2 were friends pursuing filming.

“I got on with him a batch amended connected the archetypal ‘Deadpool’ due to the fact that helium wasn’t a huge, immense movie star,” Miller said.

He said helium had a “weird” enactment with the histrion portion filming the 2nd installment of the franchise.

“We had a truly weird infinitesimal connected ‘Deadpool’ wherever helium said, ‘Let’s bash 1 much take.’ And then, arsenic the character, helium was horrifically mean to maine arsenic if I’m Weasel. So helium was like, ‘You cognize what’s large astir you, Weasel? You’re not the star, but you bash conscionable capable exposition truthful that it’s funny, and past we tin permission and get backmost to the existent movie,’” Miller said.

Miller added that helium wasn’t asked to instrumentality to the franchise for “Deadpool 3.”

“I would not person done ‘Deadpool 3’ if they came to maine and were like, ‘We privation you to bash ‘Deadpool 3,’ and we’re going to wage you doubly arsenic much,’” helium said.

“I deliberation [Reynolds] should marque a ‘Deadpool 3’ and proceed to marque movies. I conscionable deliberation helium doesn’t similar me, and I thought it was weird however helium expressed that. I’m astatine a spot successful my beingness wherever I don’t request to bash ‘Deadpool 3,’” Miller said.