This Kelly Clarkson and Sam Smith duet of 'Breakaway' will make you believe you can accomplish literally anything

Trending 2 years ago
Sam Smith and Kelly Clarkson duet connected  "Breakaway."

CNN  — 

Ready to dispersed your wings and larn however to fly?

Sam Smith and Kelly Clarkson are acceptable to assistance you bash that – oregon thing other you privation to execute successful this satellite – with their soaring duet of her 2004 deed “Breakaway,” featured connected “The Kelly Clarkson Show.”

Smith is Tuesday’s impermanent connected the speech show, but a pre-broadcast clip of their duet with Clarkson is already taking our will-this-week-ever-end negativity and turning it into what tin lone beryllium described arsenic a can-do-anything attitude.

Nothing other would person been expected from pairing these 2 powerhouse singers connected a way arsenic unfailingly uplifting arsenic this, but erstwhile successful a uncommon while, adjacent your top expectations are exceeded. Who cognize that could inactive happen?

File this Kellyoke duet of the ages nether “We merit bully things.”

Smith, who uses they/them pronouns, precocious released a caller video for their opus “Unholy,” featuring Kim Petras.

“The Kelly Clarkson” amusement airs regular successful syndication. Check section listings for details.